Originally this was the most important thing about martial arts – to reach a higher level, to become a strong human being. Strong doesn’t mean big arms. It means who can be a more strict human being with himself. That is the ideal of martial arts.

– Tsutomu Ohshima, founder, Shotokan Karate of America
Sacramento Shotokan Karate is a nonprofit karate school that has been teaching karate and self-defense in Sacramento for 45 years. Being nonprofit allows us to keep our monthly fees low so that everyone can afford to train and grow in an authentic traditional Japanese martial art. We welcome adult students of any age and children age 12+. We are like a family, and we welcome individuals and families of all levels who want to get fit, learn self-defense, become more mindful, challenge themselves, and have fun.

All Levels
Mondays and Wednesdays from 6 to 7:30 PM
First Christian Church
3901 Folsom Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95819
Brown / Black Belt Practice
Saturdays from 9 – 10:30 AM
St Stephen’s Church
1001 Olson Ln
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
Interested but the location is difficult to get to? You can also reach out to our fellow SKA Folsom and Auburn Foothills locations at: https://foothill.ska.org
Additional dojos can be found at Shotokan Karate of America

Contact Us
Affordable Martial Arts
Because of our strong resolve to offer high-quality martial arts to the public, we have remained non-commercial and nonprofit. Monthly dojo fees are only $50. With an annual fee of $125 for white belts and brown belts ($250 for black belts) for membership in our parent organization, Shotokan Karate of America (SKA). These fees are a fraction of those charged by for-profit dojos, and there are no testing fees. And membership to SKA provides access to our international dojos and special events.
The first 2 weeks are free so you can decide if you enjoy training with us. You can wear regular workout clothes if you do not have a gi (formal karate uniform). You will be asked to sign a release of liability waiver to join a practice.
As a traditional karate organization, SKA has only three belts (white, brown, and black), and the highest level is 5th dan (which was the highest degree of black belt ever bestowed by Master Funakoshi). Our instructors are senior blackbelts who have trained for decades, and completed hundreds of hours of special training. They receive no compensation, and teach out of a duty and desire to preserve the skills that were taught to them.
About the Dojo Leadership

Michael O’Brien, 2nd Degree Black Belt (Nidan) began training in Shotokan Karate in 1990 in Washington State, joined SKA in 2000 in the bay area, and joined the Sacramento Dojo in 2003. Earning his black belt (Shodan) in 2017 and promoting to Nidan in 2019. In 2021 Michael accepted the Lead instructor role at the Sacramento Dojo from Walt Branam, 4th Degree Black Belt (Yodan).
Michael is joined by Tom Tseng, Matt Curtis and Cindy Mosher, exceptional Nidans and students of Walt Branam with decades of experience, leading classes. Our Saturday Brown / Black Belt practices benefit from the experience and wisdom of Yodan Craig Stephens.
SKA’s dan levels should not be equated to other systems simply by comparing the numbers (Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yodan, Godan), because dan requirements have been structured differently than other systems. Godan (5th degree black belt) was the highest level Master Funakoshi awarded before his death in 1957. To honor Master Funakoshi’s memory, Tsutomu Ohshima structured our grading system so that Godan is the highest level possible in SKA. This does not mean students stop learning or become masters at the Godan level, or that our Godans are less skilled than 6th, 7th, or higher degree black belts in other systems. Our Godans include some of the highest skilled martial artist in the world today; however, even so they never stop improving their skills. In SKA self-perfection is a lifelong quest.